State Senator Kevin Parker’s Statement On Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

Kevin S. Parker

October 27, 2018

My thoughts and prayers are with the families that lost love ones today and all of those affected by senseless killings and cowardly attack that took place at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  No one should have to fear being attacked while praying; not while at a synagogue or in any place of worship or sanctuary.

Anti-Semitism has no place in our society and these acts of domestic terrorism cannot and will not be tolerated.  I stand in solidarity with the Jewish community during these trying times as this callus attack is not just an attack on any one group or any one religion, but rather it is an attack on the values and rights we share as human beings. 

I applaud the Pittsburgh Police Department and the first responders for their quick and effective response to this tragic situation.  We must all continue to work together vigilantly to ensure that no one – regardless of their race, ethnicity, or creed, is terrorized or harassed. I hope that the person responsible for this heinous act of mass murder is brought to justice and prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws.