Senator Gianaris Applauds Senator Bernie Sanders Support in Fight Against Amazon
November 21, 2018

LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y. - Senator Michael Gianaris today thanked U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders for his support of the Long Island City community in the fight against massive corporate welfare for Amazon's HQ2 location proposed for Queens.
"Bernie Sanders is a proven champion for working people and his support in this fight is critical. Amazon does not need $3 billion in subsidies, which can be better spent on real needs in our community," said Senator Michael Gianaris. "The fight continues!”
Click here https://bit.ly/2S8ylfV for a screenshot of the Senator's comments today on Facebook, which can be found here: https://bit.ly/2r0Dvit
Senator Gianaris has lead opposition to the deal intending to bring Amazon's HQ2 to Long Island City since it was announced. The Senator also announced legislation to prohibit secrecy agreements for economic development deals like the one insisted upon by Amazon in this case.