Senator Helming Visits With Webster Schroeder Students After State of the State

Senator Pam Helming

January 22, 2018

ALBANY – Senator Pam Helming visited with a group of seniors from Webster Schroeder High School taking a government course and their social studies teacher, Jeffrey Eckler, following the State of the State address on Wednesday, Jan. 3. The students and their teacher traveled to Albany for the day to attend the annual speech and were seated among other school groups from across New York State. Afterward, Senator Helming had the opportunity to meet and talk with the students about their interest in learning about state government. 

“As a New York State Senator, I believe that our children are the future of our state and that their education is crucial to that future. I remain committed to supporting our schools, our teachers, and our students in any way that I can. With that in mind, it was so fantastic to see Mr. Eckler take a lesson on state government out of the classroom and into the field by bringing his students to Albany to attend the State of the State address. This occasion allowed the students to learn about state government not just by reading about it in a textbook but also by seeing how it works up close. Thank you to the Webster Central School District and Webster Schroeder High School for giving Mr. Eckler and this outstanding group of seniors such a wonderful opportunity,” Senator Helming said.