Senator Gallivan Calls Governor's Decision to Restore Voting Rights to Parolees Wrong
Jim Ranney
April 19, 2018
- New York Parole System

Senator Patrick M. Gallivan (R-C-I, Elma) says the executive order signed by Governor Cuomo to restore voting rights for parolees is wrong and an abuse of power. The order signed Wednesday would apply to about 35,000 New York parolees.
“This overreach of executive power usurps the role of the Legislature and is an affront to law-abiding citizens,” said Gallivan, who serves as Chair of the Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Correction Committee. “The governor claims a parolee’s debt has been paid. I beg to differ. Their debt is not fully paid until they have successfully completed parole and demonstrated the ability to live a law-abiding life, where they have earned the restoration of privileges.”
Under current law, felons in New York lose their voting rights during imprisonment or while on parole.
The governor’s order directs the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision to send on a monthly basis the records of all people who have been released from incarceration to Cuomo's office to be considered for a pardon. The pardon would only affect their electoral rights.