Ritchie Helping Improve Security, Travel at the Thousand Islands Bridge

In an effort to improve both security and travel at the Thousand Islands Bridge, State Senator Patty Ritchie is helping the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority (TIBA) to install a new fiber-optic cable link across the bridge system.
“The Thousand Island Bridge System is critical to New York State in so many ways. By increasing its security, we are making travel safer for all motorists, including businesses, those transporting goods and our visitors from Canada,” said Senator Ritchie, who serves as a member of the Senate Transportation Committee and the Senate Majority Task Force On Counterterrorism and Public Protection. “I am pleased to be able help strengthen this important link between the North Country and Canada.”
Thousand Islands Bridge Authority Executive Director Robert Horr initially brought the need for enhanced safety and security to Senator Ritchie’s attention during one of her recent visits to the bridge. He expressed that a new fiber-optic-cable link would allow cameras to capture real-time information on all parts of the bridge and transmit the footage to security outposts, enhancing the Authority’s ability to identify safety and security issues.
Senator Ritchie then reached out the Development Authority of the North Country (DANC), which agreed to assist with the installation of the new fiber-optic cable link from the Thousands Islands Bridge system, across Wellesley Island to the U.S. Canadian border. Senator Ritchie then secured $100,000 for the project.
“TIBA is very appreciative that Senator Ritchie heard our concerns and was able to facilitate and fund this important communication link in partnership with the Development Authority of the North Country. It will not only to help secure our bridge facilities but also create a vital communication link to Canada via the North Country,” Thousand Islands Bridge Authority Executive Director Robert Horr said.
“We were happy to work with the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority to develop an enhanced re-design for the fiber-optic cable system that crosses the bridge, and to provide an alternate communications path from the US to Canada,” said James W. Wright, Executive Director of the Development Authority of the North Country. “Replacement of the system will help enhance the monitoring and security of the bridge, which is so important to the North Country’s transportation infrastructure.”
The fiber optic cable installation is part of a $400,000 project that will improve security, and aid in the monitoring of the bridge system, while also enhancing operational services for the new U.S. and Canada border facilities and providing travelers with the benefit of increased speed and reliability of E-ZPass at the bridges.