Budget is A Win for WNY Families
Robert G. Ortt
March 31, 2018
- Budget
“There is much to be proud of in this year’s budget, namely, the ability of my colleagues and I in the Senate to block over one billion dollars in new taxes and fees proposed by Gov. Cuomo and even higher taxes proposed by Assembly Democrats.
“The Senate continues to fight for our most vulnerable as evidenced by new disability funding and substantial funding to address mental illness – specifically prioritizing children’s mental health. In addition, a record $247 million in funding will help further combat the heroin and opioid epidemic through prevention, treatment, and recovery services. I successfully fought for the inclusion of $40 million for flood relief so we can continue to assist the residents along Lake Ontario, and ensure government makes good on the promises made when the waters first ravaged our shores. Finally, thanks to new reforms, New York’s taxpayers will no longer be forced to foot the bill for perpetrators in workplace sexual harassment cases.
“Unfortunately, I am disappointed that Assembly Democrats rejected the Senate’s proposal to provide schools with necessary funding for resource officers. Instead of choosing to help protect our children, they opted to continue their anti-gun political posturing.”