Ortt Calls on Federal Government to Act

Robert G. Ortt

February 15, 2018

Today, Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I,Ref-North Tonawanda) called upon the federal government to ‘step up and act’ in order to avoid another disastrous year of flooding. Sen. Ortt joined Congressman Chris Collins in insisting the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers enact proactive measures for Lake Ontario, protecting the southern shore from any potential flood damage created this spring.

“The flooding last year devastated millions of dollars’ worth of property, causing irreversible damage to homes and businesses along Lake Ontario’s southern shore,” said Sen. Ortt. “With increased water levels already present, there are warning signs of a repeat disaster this spring and summer, and we must be proactive in our preparations.” 

Ortt has also been critical of the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) response to last year’s flooding, insisting the IJC holds blame for the events that have transpired. In 2017, the IJC enacted “Plan 2014,” which determined the flow of water into Lake Ontario and down the St. Lawrence River from Canada. This international agreement between Canada and the U.S. – combined with high rainfalls and ice melt – led to record flooding along the southern shore of Lake Ontario.

 “As long as the IJC insist on operating under ‘Plan 2014,’ they are at fault for the flooding we see along Lake Ontario’s south shore,” said Sen. Ortt. “The State of New York has a significant role to play, but can’t be on the hook for ongoing missteps of the International Joint Commission."
