Ortt Reacts to Arrest Of Voting-Eligible Sex Offender

Robert G. Ortt

July 10, 2018

“The news of an arrest for burglary and attempted kidnapping of a 6-year-old child by a pardoned sex offender justifies the questions raised late last month regarding Gov. Cuomo’s mass pardoning of individuals across New York State. Larry Keiper, a level 3 sex offender, who received the designation after being convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl, was one of the hundreds pardoned last month. Many throughout the community understand the threat individuals like Larry Keiper poses, however, Governor Cuomo does not.

“By issuing a pardon to Mr. Keiper, Governor Cuomo would have allowed him [Mr. Keiper] to walk the halls of the Niagara Arts & Cultural Center unattended on election day, a facility that hosts numerous after-school programs for children. Although Keiper was stopped, with 24,000 mass pardons issued, problems like this could occur across the state. With level 3 sex offenders designated by the justice system as those individuals with the highest chance of recidivism, Governor Cuomo owes us answers on how he plans to protect schools and community establishments from the many sex offenders he pardoned to vote in them.”

“I want to thank Sheriff James Voutour, District Attorney Caroline Wojtaszek, and all the men and women in law enforcement for their efforts in bringing Larry Keiper to justice.”
