Ortt Rips State Broadband Initiative

Robert G. Ortt

March 9, 2018

Today, Sen. Rob Ortt released the following statement regarding the state's broadband roll-out:

"After many broken promises - and half a billion dollars later - many residents of Niagara and Orleans County will not be receiving quality broadband services promised by the state. Significant work is underway by the private sector, but we are years away from seeing those results. When I saw the press release hailing the accomplishments of the New NY Broadband and announcing its conclusion, I asked 'what about Orleans and Niagara?' Apparently, someone else noticed that omission because another 'final' award went out, delivering peanuts and sub-par satellite coverage to many of my constituents. In a modern economy, families, schools, and small businesses rely on basic internet services and the state has absolutely failed them on this issue."
