Senator Persaud Brings Hundreds of Turkeys to Constituents with Community Drive

Roxanne J. Persaud

November 20, 2018

Senator Persaud provided almost 350 turkeys to families and individuals in Senate District 19 in need of a turkey for their Thanksgiving Day meal, as well as local organizations aiding the efforts. These turkeys were donated to the communiyt by the management of Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Brooklyn, Plaza Auto Mall, Governor Cuomo's Office, the NYC Department of Corrections DESI Society and the Guyanese American Law-Enforcement Association (GALEA).

"Thank you to our generous donors for making this community turkey drive possible," Senator Persaud said. "They want to share with the community, and that's what Thanksgiving is all about. I sincerely hope everyone enjoys their meals and has a wonderful holiday."

The senator personally dropped by the Kings Plaza Shopping Center to help hand out their turkeys on Saturday, Nov. 16. On the following Monday, Nov. 19, she picked up Plaza Auto Mall's turkeys at their location in Brooklyn and delivered them to recipients in the neighborhood. The next day, Tuesday, Nov. 20, the senator stopped by the Vandalia Neighborhood Senior Center to distribute turkeys courtesy of the DESI Society and GALEA and then appeared at the Sabaoth Group afterwards to give out the turkeys from Governor Cuomo's Office.

"Governor Cuomo wanted to partner with local leaders during the holiday season, and this drive perfectly symbolizes the leadership of Senator Persaud in her community," Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Faith Based Community Development Services Karim Camara said. "She's there for the families that need turkeys; she's there for all her constituents in whatever way they need her."

"We had a man thanking the Senator for his turkey, with tears in his eyes, because it meant the world to him. In this day and age, many people don't believe others are still hungry," Director of the Sabaoth Group Janice Richardson said. "Senator Persaud always gives back to us, anytime we call on her."