Alessandra Biaggi

June 21, 2019

State Senator Alessandra Biaggi (D-Bronx/Westchester) issued the following statement:

“When the Senate won the Democratic Majority we knew there was potential to make a real impact, and pass progressive legislation that would benefit the lives of every New Yorker – over the last six months, and especially in these final weeks of the session, we witnessed that prophecy come to fruition. 

Leading with intention and working as a team, this Senate managed to break the glass ceiling in almost every issue area and pass transformational laws directly informed by the voices of our communities. As a first-term Senator, this has been an incredible learning experience that has not only proved what we are capable of, but has also revealed what roadblocks still exist and the continued work that lies ahead. I am very proud of what my colleagues and I have been able to accomplish, and owe an immense amount of gratitude to our fearless Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.

That being said, the true makers of this session’s success are the advocates and our constituents who have driven these issues to the forefront. Every day spent in session, our neighbors and community members were in the Capitol with us – pushing us to go farther, teaching us how to be better, all the while cheering us on at every step of the way. To the incredible residents of District 34 that I have the privilege of representing, I give my deepest gratitude and promise to never stop fighting for what our community deserves – safety, equity, opportunity, and justice. This is only the beginning for us.”