PS 56 Receives NYC Emergency Management READY SCHOOL OF THE YEAR Award
May 10, 2019

"NYC Emergency Management recognizes what we on Staten Island already know - our students understand the importance of being prepared for an emergency," NYS Senator Andrew Lanza said. "Today at PS 56, students used art, music and drama to demonstrate how to plan for an emergency or natural disaster, prepare an emergency plan, and pack a Go Bag. Congratulations to the students and faculty at PS 56 for earning the distinction of being named New York City's Ready School of the Year!"
Staten Island Students Bring Emergency Preparedness Theater to Award Ceremony
May 10, 2019 - Students at PS 56, The Louis DeSario School, brought theater to their school assembly, all in the name of preparedness. Dozens of third through fifth graders performed skits and decked their auditorium with posters of emergency preparedness tips. This was no ordinary assembly - the mix of song and drama was part of NYC Emergency Management's "Ready School of the Year" award ceremony, presented to PS 56 in Staten Island on Friday, May 10.
"The principal and staff at PS 56 are dedicated to teaching their students the importance of emergency preparedness. The Ready New York for Kids program provides a creative and engaging outlet to educate children about preparing for emergencies. In turn, they take the information home to their loved ones, helping the entire family to have a plan," NYC Emergency Management Commissioner Joseph Esposito said. "For their commitment to safety and readiness, we are proud to honor PS 56 with the 2019 Ready School of the Year Award."
"Safety always comes first, and the students and educators at PS 56 are setting an example for us all with their dedication to emergency preparedness," NYC Department of Education Chief Operations Officer Ursulina Ramirez said. "Thank you to NYC Emergency Management and the Ready New York for Kids team for helping to educate our students about emergency preparedness, and congratulations to the students, teachers, staff and administrators at PS 56 for all their hard work."
"We are humbled and honored to be recognized for our safety preparedness efforts from New York City Emergency Management," PS 56 Principal Philip Carollo said. "Our staff works extremely hard trying to create a safe learning environment for all students. Having the support and recognition from our district and central offices is reassuring, not only to our staff, but our entire school community, as we continue to grow our safety preparedness practices. On behalf of the PS 56 community, thank you!"
Each year, NYC Emergency Management and the Department of Education present the Ready School of the Year Award to a school that demonstrates an outstanding commitment to emergency preparedness. Over the course of this year, PS 56 worked with NYC Emergency Management to integrate emergency preparedness lessons into the classroom. Ready Girl, the City's emergency preparedness superhero, taught students how to prepare for various emergencies, including floods, hurricanes, and blizzards. Students also learned how to write an emergency plan, pack a Go Bag, and gather emergency supplies.
During the 2018-2019 school year, NYC Emergency Management's Ready New York program hosted close to 200 presentations in 88 schools throughout the city, training more than 28,400 students in preparedness. In Staten Island, NYC Emergency Management visited 10 schools and trained more than 5,000 students. This year marked the eleventh year the department presented the "Ready School of the Year" award.
"Staten Island's students never cease to amaze me with their incredible talents and their commitment to putting those talents to use for the good of our community," Congressman Max Rose said. "As a member of the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery, I know how much it helps the emergency response process when individual families are prepared for any scenario. I congratulate the students of PS 56 for earning this award, and more importantly, for their work to make our community safer."
"I'm so proud of all the students at PS 56; this is an incredible accomplishment! This is a testament to their hard work and to the effectiveness of the Ready Girl program, which has proven to be a creative way of getting kids engaged," NYC Councilmember Joe Borelli said. "Commissioner Esposito and NYC Emergency Management do a wonderful job of getting young people prepared, and I appreciate their attention to Staten Island."
"Being prepared for and knowing what to do during an emergency is a valuable life skill we are never too young or too old to learn," NYS Assembly Member Michael Reilly said. "The Ready New York for Kids program is an excellent initiative because it teaches families to be ready for an emergency or evacuation. I would like to congratulate the students of PS 56 on their selection as the 2019 Ready School of the Year. This is certainly an achievement worth celebrating!"
"NYC Emergency Management recognizes what we on Staten Island already know - our students understand the importance of being prepared for an emergency," NYS Senator Andrew Lanza said. "Today at PS 56, students used art, music and drama to demonstrate how to plan for an emergency or natural disaster, prepare an emergency plan, and pack a Go Bag. Congratulations to the students and faculty at PS 56 for earning the distinction of being named New York City's Ready School of the Year!"
About the Ready Schools Initiative
Ready Schools focuses on three key messages:
Get Ready: Make a Plan - Have at least two phone numbers - one local and one out-of- state number - you can call in an emergency and practice the plan with adults in your home.
Get Set: Prepare a Stay-at-Home Kit - During emergencies that require you to stay at home, have extra food and water for all family members and a battery-operated radio for news updates.
Get Ready to Go: Pack a Go Bag - During emergencies that require you to leave your home, have a Go Bag with emergency supplies.
About Ready Girl
Ready Girl is a superhero and emergency manager who teaches kids about emergency preparedness. She is part of the Ready New York for Kids' program, a joint initiative between NYC Emergency Management and the Department of Education that is dedicated to helping educate young students about the importance of emergency preparedness. Since she burst onto the superhero scene in October 2015, Ready Girl has taken her message all over New York City, visiting hundreds of schools, community centers and youth organizations, and dropping in on local fairs. She has trained thousands of kids throughout the five boroughs, getting every New York City kid ready for any emergency. To keep up-to-date on Ready Girl's every move as she prepares kids for emergencies, visit her blog, and visit NYC.gov/ReadyNY to learn more about the Ready New York program.
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