Senator Anna M. Kaplan Passes Legislation Supporting Women Veterans in NY
Senator Anna M. Kaplan
June 5, 2019

(Albany, NY) -- The New York State Senate passed legislation today (S5991), sponsored by Senator Anna M. Kaplan (D-Great Neck), that will support women veterans in NY by increasing the duties of the Women Veterans Coordinator within the New York State Division of Veterans' Services. The additional duties include advocating for all women veterans in the state, and promoting events and activities that recognize, educate and honor women veterans, including veteran human rights conferences, veterans benefits and resources events, and veterans cultural competency trainings.
“Our state owes more than just a debt of gratitude to our many veterans who bravely served our country to protect our dearly held freedoms. So we should be doing everything we can to ensure that this government is responsive to their needs,” said Senator Anna M. Kaplan, the bill sponsor.
“The Women Veterans Coordinator at the Division of Veterans’ Services exists to help us be fully responsive to the unique needs of New York’s women veterans. This bill will expand the roles of that office to ensure that we are doing everything we can to advocate for, and support, women veterans across New York,” concluded Senator Kaplan.
The bill has already passed the State Assembly, and will be delivered to the Governor's desk to be signed into law.