Child Victims Act Signed into Law
February 14, 2019

Senator Hoylman’s remarks can be viewed here
NEW YORK- Senator Brad Hoylman (D/WF-Manhattan) released the following statement in response to the signing of the Child Victims Act (S.2440/A.2683) into law:
Senator Hoylman said: “For years, survivors of child sexual abuse looked to Albany for justice and for years, their pleas went unanswered. No longer. With the Child Victims Act now signed into law by Governor Cuomo, survivors of child sexual abuse in New York State finally have the opportunity to seek justice against their abusers and the institutions who may have harbored them. I’m so proud to be in this fight alongside Governor Cuomo, who took the courageous and historic step in supporting this bill, Senate Leader and Prime Co-Sponsor Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who personally broke the decade-long logjam and moved this bill to the floor, along with the entire Senate Democratic Conference and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal. Mostly, however, the survivors of child sexual abuse deserve credit for baring their souls and sharing their personal stories. In the process, the survivors won the hearts and minds of the members of the State Legislature and thanks to them, New York is a safer place for our children.”