GENDA and Conversion Therapy Ban Signed into Law
January 25, 2019

NEW YORK- Senator Brad Hoylman (D/WF-Manhattan) released the following statement in response to the signing of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (S1047/A747) and legislation banning the practice of so-called conversion therapy (S1046/A746) into law:
Senator Brad Hoylman said, "It's a new day in Albany. After eight years of the Senate blocking any LGBTQ-specific legislation, today Governor Cuomo signs into law two landmark bills to protect the rights of transgender and gender non-conforming New Yorkers and prevent our kids from being subject to the barbaric practice of so-called 'conversion therapy.' As the Trump administration continues to roll back protections for LGBTQ Americans, today's victory sends a strong message to LGBTQ people across the State of New York: your civil rights protections have the full force and effect of law. I'm deeply grateful to Governor Andrew Cuomo for his historic and steadfast support of LGBTQ New Yorkers and proud to be part of a Democratic Majority that works with the Governor to safeguard the rights of all New Yorkers under the leadership of Andrea Stewart-Cousins. I'm also sincerely thankful to my colleagues in the Assembly, Deborah Glick and Richard Gottfried, for their persistence and determination over the years, as well as Senator Michael Gianaris and former Senators Tom Duane and Daniel Squadron."