Hoylman Introduces Bill to Repeal New York's Death Penalty Statute
March 7, 2019
ALBANY—Senator Brad Hoylman (D/WF-Manhattan) released the following statement in response to the introduction of S4320—which would repeal New York’s death penalty statute:
Senator Hoylman said: “The death penalty is racist, arbitrary, and inhumane. The New York Court of Appeals ruled capital punishment to be unconstitutional in 2004, but the language enabling it remains in state law to this day. I'm proud to introduce legislation with Senator Brian Kavanagh to finally repeal New York's death penalty statute, and remove it from the books forever.”
Although the New York Court of Appeals ruled the death penalty unconstitutional in 2004, the statute was never repealed in full. Hoylman’s S4320, introduced with Senator Brian Kavanagh as a prime co-sponsor, would strike it completely and eliminate all reference to it from State law.