Hoylman Urges Parole Release of Judith Clark

Hoylman is the sponsor of legislation (S.2144/A.4319) to allow the consideration of elder parole for incarcerated people aged 55 and above who have already served 15 years in prison

NEW YORK, NY – Today the New York State Board of Parole will hear the petition of Judith Clark, who has spent nearly four decades in prison for her role in an armed robbery that resulted in the murder of two police officers and a guard.  Senator Brad Hoylman (D/WF-Manhattan) released the following statement urging the Board to grant Ms. Clark’s request for release. Hoylman is also the sponsor of legislation (S.2144/A.4319) which would allow for the consideration of elder parole for incarcerated people aged 55 and above who have already served 15 years in prison:

Senator Hoylman said: “Our corrections system must center on rehabilitation, and not revenge. In the nearly four decades that she has been incarcerated, Judith Clark has acknowledged her crimes, expressed remorse, and made every effort to repair and transform her life. She has become a role model to many of her fellow incarcerated New Yorkers, and has earned the respect of advocates across the state. I urge the Parole Board to grant her release.”
