Statement From Senator Brad Hoylman On New Law Signed By Governor Cuomo Banning The Use Of PFAS In Firefighting Foam

NEW YORK CITY – Earlier today, Governor Cuomo signed S.439-A (Hoylman) / A.445-A (Steck) into law, which will phase out the use of these chemicals for fire fighting in New York. Senator Brad Hoylman, who sponsored the bill with Assembly Member Phil Steck, issued the following statement in response:

“Toxic PFAS chemicals contained in fire-fighting foam have been linked to increased cancer risk, thyroid disease, learning delays in children, and decreased fertility. Spills of this foam have polluted New York's drinking water from Newburgh to Long Island. 

"This new law will phase out the use of these chemicals and switch to safe, alternative foams, reducing the exposure of first responders and communities across the state to PFAS chemicals. It's the latest example of how our new majority, led by Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, has been able to pass legislation to protect the public health and environment. I'm grateful to Governor Cuomo, my Assembly sponsor Phil Steck, and the passionate environmental advocates whose hard work made this new law possible."

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