Statement from NYS Senator Daphne Jordan (R,C,I,Ref-Halfmoon) re: Green Light Bill
June 17, 2019

Today, the Senate Democratic Majority rammed through their so-called Green Light Bill, Senate Bill S.1747B, which gives driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. I voted no on this measure because their Green Light Bill gives a green light to fraud, danger and illegal immigrants voting – a privilege reserved for American citizens – resulting in our Empire State becoming the ‘Sanctuary State.’ One of the major issues with the measure is that of identity. These IDs, once provided in the form of driver’s licenses, will be used by individuals whose true identity is unknown, for voting, free college and so many other benefits paid for by hard-working, law-abiding taxpayers. This bill does nothing to incentivize individuals who are here illegally in violation of federal law to follow the law and go through the proper process so they can become citizens of the greatest nation in the world. Sadly, today was just the latest example of how the Senate Democratic Majority continues to advance their extreme, radical agenda and disregard the will of the people and the rule of law.