Senator Carlucci to Hold Hearing on Suicide Prevention

Senator David Carlucci

June 3, 2019

(Albany, NY) – Chair of the Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities Committee, Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester) will be holding a New York State Senate hearing on suicide prevention tomorrow (6/5).

According to the New York State Health Department, suicides are the second leading cause of death due to injuries among all age groups in New York State. In 2014, suicide was currently the third leading cause of death for youth between 10 and 14 years of age in New York, and new research by the National Institute of Mental Health has shown that the suicide rate is roughly two times higher for black children ages 5-12 as compared with white children of the same age.

The hearing will look to determine and develop suicide prevention efforts in all communities and address best practices to help combat this public health problem across the state. There will also be specific emphasis on youth suicide and early intervention.


Who: Senator David Carlucci and Chairman of the Committee on Health, Senator Gustavo Rivera

Where: Van Buren Hearing Room A, Legislative Office Building, 2nd Floor, Albany, New York

When: June 4 10:00 a.m.


Sarah Ravenhall, MHA, CHES NYS Association County Health Officials

Brigid Pigott, Rockland County Department of Mental Health

Dr. Michael Lindsey, NYU/McSilver Institute

Edward Staehr, NY FarmNet at Cornell University

Rosa Gil, DSW Comunilife

Glenn Liebman Mental Health Association of NYS (MHANYS)

Mathew Shapiro and Roy Ettere, NAMI

Kathleen Carney, Lexington Center Clinic Director

Seth Diamond, Westchester Jewish Community Services

Brett Scudder, Suicide Intervention Services Foundation

Sam Dorison, Trevor Project Chief of Staff

Ben Esposito, NYS Camp Director’s Association

Donna Besler, Ontario Suicide Prevention Coalition

Tiffany Folk, Director Tristan Foundation

Jeffery Daly, MD, Medical Director, Child and Adolescent Outpatient Psychiatric Services, Four Winds Hospital

Isabel Ebrahimi, ADHD Coach, Help is Here Coaching

Anamul Haque, Suicide Advocate


Link to Livestream of hearing:


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