Senator Akshar & Cornell Cooperative Extension Present the 2019 Tri-County Farm Trail
April 10, 2019

Senator Fred Akshar and Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Broome, Tioga and Chenango Counties are proud to present the 2019 Tri-County Farm Trail, featuring 19 locations across the 52nd Senate District.
Each spring and fall, local farms from Broome, Tioga and Chenango Counties open their doors for the public to experience agriculture hands-on through farm tours, various activities, specialty food tastings and more!
The Spring 2019 Farm Weekend will be May 4th and 5th and the Fall 2019 Farm Trail is October 5th and 6th from 10am-4pm. Nineteen farms and farm-sourced markets will be participating this year.
Senator Fred Akshar said, "Local agriculture is the backbone of our community, with farms accounting for over 500,000 acres of land across the 52nd Senate District. In Broome County alone, over 560 local farms pump over $20.9 million into our upstate economy. This year, just a few of our many local farms will open their doors so families can learn more about local agriculture and enjoy local goods produced right here in SD52. I hope families across our community can take some time to visit our local farms, learn and let our farmers know how much we appreciate their hard work."
Brian Aukema, CCE Educator and Farm Trail Organizer, said, "It is important for farmers to be able to share their farms with the public and educate them about local agriculture. So many people pass by farms today and don't understand what happens on them. This event provides a great opportunity to take many of the myths out of agriculture.”
Check out the list of all the participating farms and markets here and below.
Country Wagon Produce
2859 NY RT 26, Glen Aubrey, NY 13777 - 607-862-3985 - Saturday and Sunday - www.countrywagon.com
- Food tasting of products and baked goods made on premises! During the fall trail come and get all your fall decorations including hardy mums, pumpkins and corn stalks.
NYALA Alpaca Farm
104 Rockwell Rd., Vestal, NY 13850 - 607-785-8226 - Saturday and Sunday - www.merriwether.org/Nyala
- Come and walk an alpaca! Watch alpaca fiber spinning wheel and fiber arts demonstrations. Alpaca and wool products will be available for sale! Come see and pet all their lambs and alpacas!
JADA Hill Farm
106 Kelsey Rd., Deposit, NY 13754 - 607-467-5742 - Saturday and Sunday - www.jadahillfarm.com
- Come and tour the farm and visit with all the friendly goats! There will be baby goats, pumpkin seed planting and tours of the honey bees and chickens. Sample many of their handmade soaps and lotions made directly from their own goat milk!
Catskill Cattle Company
96 Laurel Bank Ave., Deposit, NY 13754 - 607-467-5762 - Saturday and Sunday - www.catskillcattle.com
- Come out and visit cows, pigs and chickens. There will be farm tours including their beef cattle facility, greenhouse and on farm store. Come do seed starting, sample products and more.
Kimberly’s Greenhouses
3438 State Rte 26, Glen Aubrey, NY 13777 - Saturday and Sunday - 607-323-5120
- Come visit one of Broome County’s newest greenhouses. They will have spring flowers and fall decorations. Visitors will be able to tour the greenhouse and receive a free plant while supplies last!
Lone Maple Farm
2001 Hawleyton Rd., Binghamton, NY 13903 - 607-724-6877 - Saturday and Sunday - www.lonemaplefarm.com
- Visit their bakery, greenhouses and winery in the spring. During the fall they will be picking apples, have fresh baked goods from their bakery, beautiful fall decorations, wine tasting, a pumpkin maze and more.
Old Barn Market & Gluten Free Bakery
214 State Street, Binghamton, NY 13901 - 607-217-5993 - Saturday Only - www.oldbarnmarket.com
- Binghamton’s only organically sourced market and gluten free bakery! Come find all your favorite farm products at the market and enjoy some sweet treats from the bakery. Samples will be available throughout the day!
Hust Roost Farm
3730 State Route 26, Glen Aubrey, NY 13862 - Saturday Only - www.hustroostfarm.com
- Visit our baby goats (spring), chicks, and bunnies. Goat milking demonstration at 2pm. Local beekeeper, coffee roaster, quilter- crafter, baked goods and free samples in our soon-to-be-open farm store. Rock painting for the kids. Smokey Legend BBQ on site with hog roast and BBQ lunch for purchase.
Broome County Regional Farmers Market
840 Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 - Saturday Only - 9am to 1pm - www.bcregionalmkt.com
- Market features local produce, baked goods, dairy, farmer artisan’s crafts, meats, and plants! Many vendors will offer free tastings during market. During the spring trail, families will be able to do planting and during the fall trail families will be able to participate in a pumpkin growing contest!
Taste NY
840 Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 - Saturday Only
- The TASTE NY market features all NY products, from honey, syrup, dairy goat milks, fresh herbs, salsa’s, chips, Cornell Ice Cream, and so much more. During the Farm Trail they will be sampling Taste NY products and all farm trail participants will get 10% off all purchases.
Sugar Creek Maple Farm
2490 Glenwood Rd., Vestal, NY 13850 - 607-239-5636 - www.sugarcreekmaplefarm.com = Saturday and Sunday - May Farm Trail Only
- Visit a working maple sugarhouse. See the equipment for maple production and sample maple products. Guided farm tours will be offered, learn to tap a tree, children’s activities and the history of maple syrup!
Nanticoke Gardens
1543 Union Center Maine Highway, Endicott, NY 13760 607-754-5008 - www.nanticokegardens.com - Saturday and Sunday - May Farm Trail Only
- Join us for walking tours of the propagation house and back stock greenhouses not typically open to the public, transplanting activity for the kids and lots of plants available for purchase. Tours each day will be at the top of the hour from 10am to 3pm!
Apple Hills
131 Brooks Rd., Binghamton, NY 13905 - 607-729-2683 - www.applehills.com - Saturday and Sunday - October Farm Trail Only
- Come for breakfast or lunch at the Apple Dumpling Café! Pick some apples and try a fresh-made donut! Stop in & stock up on spices, specialty products and more!
Peila View Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch
633 County Road 27, Bainbridge, NY 13733 413-548-5227 - www.facebook.com/PeilaViewMaze - Saturday and Sunday - Oct. Farm Trail Only
- Visit and get lost in our 6 acre corn maze. Other activities include a cow train, hay maze, petting zoo, and fall decorations. Food will be available (There is a $7 fee per person).
Iron Kettle Farm
707 Owego Road, Candor, NY 13743 - 607-659-7707 - www.ironkettlefarm.com - Saturday and Sunday
- Come celebrate our 50th year in business on the spring farm trail. Come tour the greenhouse, farm market and visit animals. During the fall check out our spooktacular pumpkin display along with many other fall farm activities.
Engelbert Farms
182 Sunnyside Rd., Nichols, NY 13812 (Farm) - 263 W River Rd., Nichols, NY 13812 (Store) - 607-699-3775 - www.engelbertfarms.com Saturday and Sunday
- Come visit the first certified Organic Dairy in the USA! There will be dairy farm tours at 11am and 2pm each day. Cheese and sausage will be available at the store along with many great deals.
Side Hill Acres
79 Spencer Rd., Candor, NY 13743 - 607-659-4121 - www.sidehillacres.bizland.com - Saturday and Sunday
- Come out and tour their goat farm and creamery. Additional tours in- clude their barn and market along with several goat product tastings. Visit their baby goats in the spring!
Twin Brook Farm
304 Lainhart Rd., Owego, NY - 607-687-4053 - Saturday and Sunday
- Come visit Twin Brook animals. They will be offering a goat milking demonstration at 2pm each day, farm tours and tasting of beef and cheese. Plan on visiting animals including goats, sheep and cows.
Our Five Acre Homestead
275 Ballou Hill Rd., Berkshire, NY 13736 - 607-761-4457 - www.ourfiveacrehomestead.com Saturday and Sunday - Oct. Farm Trail Only
- Come out and tour the area’s newest goat creamery. They will be having a petting zoo, goat care demonstrations, soap making demonstrations, kids activities and much more.