George Amedore

January 17, 2019

Senator George Amedore today called on legislative leaders to fully restore devastating cuts to Aid to Municipalities (AIM) funding proposed by Governor Cuomo in his Executive Budget, outlined earlier this week.

The proposed Executive budget called for $59.2 million in cuts to the AIM program, which provides operating aid to local governments throughout the State. The proposed cuts will strip more than $1.3 million in funding from towns and villages throughout the 46th Senate District.

“At an event in Buffalo in November, Governor Cuomo said he was ‘Upstate’s Voice’. This couldn’t be further from the truth -- between the unfunded mandates that continue to be passed down, and now this proposed cut in AIM funding, our municipalities are struggling. It will ultimately be the overburdened property taxpayers who pay the price,” said Senator Amedore.

"Many of the affected towns and villages have already adopted their budgets and are counting on that aid to continue to provide proper services to their residents. These cuts must be completely restored in this year’s final enacted budget,” said Senator Amedore.

The final budget is expected to the enacted by March 31st.
