Statement by Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C,I,REF-Glenville) on Collapse of Amazon Deal
Senator Jim Tedisco
February 15, 2019

“Look no further than the Senate Majority who are porch pirates because they stole this Amazon package right under the Governor’s nose! The decision by Amazon to pull out of its deal with New York falls under the adage be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. When you have one voice, from one part of the state, from one political affiliation controlling all levers of government without checks and balances, you empower the extreme, radical regressives who have taken over the legislature to negatively impact our state’s economy.”
“We’d love to have Amazon in the 49thSenate District and those 25,000 jobs. A good portion of that $3 billion promised to Amazon should now go to repair the failing infrastructure in the towns and villages in Upstate New York, including restoring the $60 million cut in AIM (Aid and Incentives to Municipalities) funding that the Governor cut for our towns and villages.”