Tedisco Appointed Ranking Member for Consumer Protection, Children & Families, and Animal Welfare Committees

Senator Jim Tedisco

January 10, 2019

Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C,I,REF-Glenville) today announced that he has been named as Ranking Member for three committees in the New York State Senate: Consumer Protection, Children and Families, and Animal Welfare. 

Tedisco also will serve as a member of the Banks, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Social Services, and Libraries Committees.

“I’m honored to have the opportunity to continue to be a strong and outspoken advocate for my constituents by serving as the Ranking Member for the Consumer Protection, Children and Families, and Animal Welfare Committees. These committees have the common thread of committees that are designed to stand up for and give voice to those who have the smallest of voices and those who have no voice and protect them from harm. That’s what I’ve strived to do my entire legislative career,” said Senator Tedisco.

Tedisco has long been recognized as a leader in fighting for legislation to protect children and families including last year passing in the Senate “Jacobe’s Law” to require schools to notify parents when a child is being bullied and “Suzanne’s Law: Assault-Free School Zone Law” to raise penalties for violent crimes committed on school grounds.  Senator Tedisco also has championed and passed consumer protection legislation to protect utility ratepayers and those who use the Thruway by calling for greater legislative oversight and approval for any future rate hikes.

Recognizing that animal cruelty is a bridge crime and those who harm animals often go on to harm people, Tedisco was the driving force behind passage of the landmark Buster’s Law, which created the felony crime of animal cruelty.  He has chaired NYS Animal Advocacy Day for the past 8 years, and just last month was instrumental in helping save the life of the Troy dog Luna, whose plight received national attention.