Enacted State Budget Cuts $29 Million In Foundation Aid For Long Island Schools
April 2, 2019

Senate Republican Leader John J. Flanagan today said Long Island schools will be forced to swallow a $29 million cut in foundation aid under a plan approved by Democrats in the recently-enacted state budget.
According to the school aid run, overall foundation aid is scheduled to be increased by just $47 million on Long Island compared to a $78 million increase last year with Republicans leading the Senate. The difference can be attributed to more aid being routed to New York City.
In addition, the overall operating aid increase on Long Island is the smallest hike in the last eight years.
“The Democrats bragged that they would deliver mammoth increases in education aid and that our schools would get all they need and then some. It never happened. This budget shortchanges Long Island schools,” Flanagan said.
Flanagan is the former Chairman of the Senate’s Education committee and previously served as the chamber’s Majority Leader.
“Year after year, Republicans delivered record increases for schools on Long Island – helping students achieve their dreams and keeping property taxes as low as possible. With adoption of this budget, Democrats have failed our students, our parents and our teachers,” Flanagan said.
Foundation aid is unrestricted aid and is the primary vehicle used to drive state aid to local schools.
The last time Democrats controlled the Senate, over billions more in school aid were directed to New York City public schools. This year, school aid runs indicate that pattern will hold.