Griffo and Picente statement on proposal to use tax dollars to bailout Long Island homeowners
March 27, 2019
UTICA – State Sen. Joseph Griffo,R-I-C-Rome, and Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. released the following statement today regarding a proposal by Senate Democrats that would use state money to provide tax credits to homeowners on Long Island who could see their taxes increase as a result of a new reassessment program:
"We are alarmed that Democrats in the New York State Senate have proposed spending over $200 million to bail out Long Island homeowners on the backs of Oneida and other upstate taxpayers. For the past six years, Oneida County’s conservative fiscal policies have resulted in no increase to the property tax levy. Why should we have to foot the bill for downstate spending? This proposal is just the latest example of how out of touch Democrats in the Senate are with the needs Upstate New Yorkers."