Griffo introduces legislation to curb coasting in left lane of interstate highways

Joseph A. Griffo

September 6, 2019

UTICA – New York State Senate Deputy Minority Leader Joseph Griffo, R-I-C-Rome, announced today that he has introduced legislation that would encourage individuals to occupy the left lane of an interstate highway only when passing another vehicle. 

Deputy Minority Leader Griffo’s legislation (S6675A) is the result of complaints made by constituents regarding vehicles “coasting" in the passing lane and not using the left lane to pass or overtake other vehicles. Motorists that impede the flow of traffic by using the left lane for right lane purposes pose a safety risk to other vehicles, disrupt the flow of traffic and can lead to accidents and incidents of road rage.

A driver occupying the left lane for one-and-a-half miles would be subject to a violation as a result of the legislation. Similar to speeding, an officer would need to be present and make a judgement call on whether someone is violating the law or not. The bill establishes a $50 fine for a first violation and a $100 fine for subsequent violations. Violators of this potential statute would not be subject to points being added to their license.

Deputy Minority Leader Griffo is hopeful that this legislation will discourage drivers from violating the law without punishing them too harshly.

“Many drivers in New York have experienced the frustration of vehicles traveling at the same or lower speed in the left lane as those traveling in the right lane on the Thruway and other interstates,” Deputy Minority Leader Griffo said. “This legislation is a potential remedy to address this issue, reduce potential impediments of vehicles and ensure the orderly flow of traffic. If this bill were to be signed into law, I am hopeful that it will encourage better behavior among motorists and that they will become more cognizant of their surroundings and follow proper etiquette when on the road.”

Deputy Minority Leader Griffo’s legislation has been referred to the state Senate’s Rules Committee.

Similar laws have been enacted in more than a dozen states, including Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Montana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia and Washington.
