Senator Monica R. Martinez Joins Senate Majority in Advocating For State Funding For Suffolk County In The One-House Resolution

Monica R. Martinez

March 13, 2019

(Albany, NY) Senator Monica R. Martinez, together with the Senate Majority Conference, introduced a budget resolution that includes proposals to increase support for education, provide tax relief for overburdened New York families by implementing a permanent property tax cap, and restoring Aid and Incentives to Municipalities (AIM) funding.

Senator Martinez and the Senate Majority’s budget resolution reflects a responsible financial plan that is within the available revenues and remains within the 2% state spending cap. The budget resolution would improve the quality of life for New Yorkers, and this resolution, together with the Assembly one-house resolution, makes it clear that an on-time, responsible, and effective budget is priority for both legislative chambers.

Improving Educational Opportunities:

As an educator, Senator Martinez understands that a quality education with adequate funding is pivotal to the success of both students and teachers. The Senate Majority’s budget proposal provides historic funding increases to advance educational services across New York.

The one-house budget resolution makes the following modifications to the Executive Budget proposal for education:

  • Increases School Aid by $1.62 billion or 6.0% over the 2018-2019 school year.
  • Increases Foundation Aid by $1.2 billion, which equates to 6.8%.
  • Reforms the tuition assistance program (TAP) by raising the maximum award from $5,165 to $5,310, raising the minimum award from $500 to $750, and raising the income eligibility threshold from $80,000 to $110,000 so more hard working middle class New York families can benefit.
  • Includes $24.3 million for extended day and school violence prevention programs.
  • Includes $1.5 million to increase access to mental health services.
  • Includes $500,000 for gang prevention programs.
  • Includes $1 million to support the creation of additional Recovery High Schools.
  • Adds $20 million for expanded pre-kindergarten grants, $5 million above the Executive’s proposal.
  • Proposes $500,000 for the Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf.
  • The Senate’s budget modifies the Executive proposal allowing school districts to purchase school bus stop arm cameras, to require such cameras be reimbursable through state aid.


The health and well being of our residents must continue to be a priority. From our children to our elderly population, it is critical that we provide the necessary funding to better care for our loved ones in all stages of life.  

The one-house budget resolution makes the following modifications to the Executive Budget proposal for health care:

  • Restores $7.75 million to the Population Health Improvement Program (PHIP).
  • The Senate proposes to amend the Executive’s proposal to change the statutory structure by which fiscal intermediaries are currently organized in the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP).
  • Restores $175,000 to the North Fork Mental Health Initiative.


The steps we take to advocate and care for our environment now will have a lasting impact on Long Island's climate. The following items will work to protect our most precious resources for generations to come.

  • Adds $2 billion for a total of $2.5 billion over a multi-year period for clean water infrastructure projects such as improvements to solid waste management facilities, intermunicipal infrastructure projects, projects to address emerging contaminants, water quality improvement projects, concentrated animal feeding operations, septic system replacement, and projects to address issues on Long Island.

Transportation and Infrastructure:

Without funding for much needed infrastructure improvements, Long Island cannot operate to its fullest potential. For that reason, the following has been advocated for in this year’s budget resolution.

  • An additional $28.6 million in State operating assistance for non-MTA transit systems, a 5% increase over the Executive Budget and a 12% increase from last year.
  • An additional $150 million to be added to CHIPS funding, for a total of $588 million in CHIPS funding.
  • The restoration of  $20 million for non-MTA capital, bringing the total to $105 million.


The work and sacrifices made by our men and women in the military are of the utmost importance, and we must commit to taking care of them once they come home. The Joseph Dwyer Peer to Peer program works with veterans who are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injuries, and I am proud that the we have included funding for this critical program.

  • The restoration of $3.375 million for the Joseph Dwyer Peer to Peer program.
  • An additional $1 million to expand the Dwyer Program to additional counties, including New York City.


We must continue to advocate for our public libraries, who offer a number of invaluable services and resources to our community, which is why we included additional funding in this year’s budget resolution.

  • The Senate concurs with the Executive’s proposal of $5 million and adds $1 million in aid to public libraries.

“This proposed budget resolution is just the beginning and we need to move the process forward to deliver a well-balanced budget which will benefit all New Yorkers. This is the reason why I will be supporting the resolution even though I have my reservations. There is certainly more that unites us than divides us. Issues like education, good government, and ethics reform which we have started to work on since the beginning of this legislative session.

However, there are other issues due to our respective districts and needs which are difficult to agree on. Such is the case with the legalization of cannabis and the current language in Criminal Justice Reform included in our one house. However, I believe it is something we can still work on and improve upon.” Stated Senator Martinez    

To review the full Senate Majority one-house State Budget proposal, please visit:
