A Statement from Senator Pam Helming On Governor’s State of the State and Executive Budget

Senator Pam Helming

January 17, 2019

“Today the Governor presented his $178 billion spending plan. The presentation included a lot of fluff and grandstanding. It was short on substance. The greatest disappointment was the Governor's failure to provide any detail on how we are going to solve the greatest problem facing our state – the exodus of people and businesses. 

“People are leaving our state in droves. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly a million people moved on to greener pastures between 2011 and 2016. This is more than any other state.

“If we are going to end this exodus, the Governor and Legislature must be laser-focused on cutting taxes and supporting small businesses.

“The Governor missed an opportunity today to be the leader that ends partisan politics and focuses on reducing taxes and the burdens that hinder the growth of our small businesses and agriculture. Instead, the Governor elected to use the State of the State to finger point and blame Washington and Republicans.”