Statement from State Senator Patty Ritchie
Brian Dwyer
January 23, 2019
- property tax cap

“Today, I was proud to stand up for hardworking New Yorkers by once again voting to make the property tax cap permanent. Every year, since becoming state senator, I have supported the property tax cap, which since 2011 has provided real relief—totaling tens of billions of dollars—to taxpayers. Now is the time to make it a permanent part of state law.
While I was proud to cast this vote today, there is another issue which the Senate must come together to resolve—restoring the Governor’s proposed cuts to Aid and Incentives to Municipalities (AIM) program.
As the ranking member of the Senate’s Local Government Committee, I will be advocating for funding for this program to be reinstated so our local governments can continue to provide critical services people depend on without raising taxes.”
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