Dancewave Expands into Gowanus With A New Performing Arts Studio
June 6, 2019
DDC: Shoshana Khan, 718-391-1251, KhanSho@ddc.nyc.gov
DCLA: Annie Leist, 212-513-9323, publicaffairs@culture.nyc.gov
(Brooklyn, NY – June 7, 2019) NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Commissioner Lorraine Grillo and NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl joined local elected officials and dance students today to celebrate the completion of the $4.2 million project to create a new and larger studio and headquarters for Dancewave, an educational non-profit in Brooklyn. The project was funded by DCLA and managed by DDC, and was completed for $600,000 less than the original budget estimate of $4.8 million.
“Dance is the hidden language of the soul,” said DDC Commissioner Lorraine Grillo. “We look forward to watching Dancewave thrive in its new, environmentally sustainable studios, engaging more young people in a program of personal growth and dance education. We’re very pleased to work with our partners at DCLA to provide this beautiful, large and modern space both for Dancewave and for Brooklyn’s youth.”
“Through the artistry and intellectual challenge of dance, Dancewave has been nurturing the bodies and minds of young people from toddlers to college students for nearly 25 years,” said DCLA Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl. “The Department of Cultural Affairs is pleased to support their next chapter with this new studio and community center. This space will enable them to expand on their mission of using the power of movement to shape strong individuals and create connected community, better serving their students and NYC’s dance professionals.”
“On behalf of the entire Dancewave organization, I am honored to welcome the public to the opening of the new Dancewave Center,” said Dancewave Executive & Artistic Director Diane Jacobowitz. “The new building, a milestone in our history, expands Dancewave’s ability to reach more members of our community; offering the public a diverse array of classes, workshops, lectures, performances and a multitude of events for Brooklyn and all New York City residents. It is wonderful to see what was once a dream realized today in this building, and feel the momentous excitement of what’s to come next.”
“Dancewave has long been a treasured cultural institution in our borough, expanding access to the arts for so many children and families,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. “The new Dancewave Center provides a proper, state-of-the-art home for this treasure, supporting the nonprofit's mission to develop the full personhood of our youth through the power of dance. It has been a goal of my administration to advance dance in Brooklyn, and without a doubt the capital investment we were able to make into the creation of this new center is a major part of that effort.”
"Several years ago, Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon and I introduced and passed legislation to enable New York State to provide capital financing assistance to help Dancewave build their new home,” said State Senator Velmanette Montgomery. “Dancewave plays a significant role in making dance and performance accessible to children throughout Brooklyn. I am so happy to see this journey come full circle so they can continue to serve many more generations of young people.”
“As the New York City Council Member of the 33rd District, I’m so proud to see Dancewave expand their current footprint and be able to provide services to more students and young people in New York City than ever before at their new location,” said Council Member Stephen Levin. “Access to the Arts is imperative in fostering our children’s minds, bodies, and souls. Dancewave has continued to change lives at their center on 4th Avenue and in public schools throughout New York City and I have no doubt that they will continue this positive impact as they more than triple their capacity. I am thrilled to play a part in this growth and look forward to working with Dancewave for years to come.”
“Just under two years ago, I joined Dancewave as they broke ground on the construction of a new studio in Gowanus, and I am thrilled to be at the grand opening of this new facility. I was proud to sponsor a bill to assist Dancewave’s access to capital to facilitate their ability to expand and bring dance arts to so many young people who otherwise would not have access to arts education,” said Assemblywomen Jo Anne Simon. “This organization is very special to me because it brings the joy of movement to so many in Brooklyn. I look forward to seeing Dancewave continue to bring its special talents to positively impact the lives of Brooklyn youth.”
At 3,600 square feet, the new facility is more than triple the size of Dancewave’s previous home. Two new dance studio spaces were built that can be converted into one large 134-seat performance area when necessary. The new studio has new lighting and audio systems, an acoustic barrier wall and floor-to-ceiling glass partitions and doors that allow parents to be engaged with their children while dancing.
The space includes a reception area and desk, restrooms, a dressing area with showers and storage space. All new plumbing and electrical systems were installed, as well as a new sprinkler system that enhances fire safety. The building was also upgraded to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The project was designed to meet LEED Gold certification for environmental efficiency, as the upgrades included energy-efficient lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. To encourage sustainable and economically friendly transportation, a bicycle rack was also installed.
Founded in 1995, Dancewave is an educational non-profit focused on empowering youth to become individuals who contribute to the fabric of their communities through dance. The new dance and community center will enable Dancewave to serve constituents starting as young as 24 months old, through an increased number of classes and community performances. The need for satellite and outside performance spaces will be reduced and nearly 200 choreographers will be served by providing inexpensive performance and rehearsal space to the performing arts community.
The $4.2 million for the project was funded through the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, with funding from the Mayor’s Office, City Council, and Brooklyn Borough President’s office.
Fifty percent of the project’s renovation and expansion costs were designated to M/WBE subcontractors including Tribeca Electric Corporation, ACS System Associates, Inc., Sirina Fire Protection Corporation, G&J Leading Construction, Inc., and I.N.N. Construction Corp.
DDC is the leading mayoral agency in the City’s M/WBE program, having made more than $1.9 billion in contract awards to M/WBEs since 2014. DDC’s M/WBE utilization rate in the City’s most recent fiscal year was 22.9%. Over the past four years the DDC Office of Diversity & Industry Relations has hosted 24 and attended more than 150 procurement events, engaging almost 12,700 vendors, including 6,293 M/WBEs.
Contractors or M/WBEs seeking more information about DDC programs and contracting opportunities should contact the DDC Office of Diversity & Industry Relations at DDCODIR@ddc.nyc.gov.
The project was designed by Studio Joseph and the general contractor was XBR Inc. of Queens.
About the NYC Department of Design and Construction
The Department of Design and Construction is the City’s primary capital construction project manager. In supporting Mayor de Blasio’s long-term vision of growth, sustainability, resiliency, equity and healthy living, DDC provides communities with new or renovated public buildings such as such as firehouses, libraries, police precincts, and new or upgraded roads, sewers and water mains in all five boroughs. To manage this $12 billion portfolio, DDC partners with other City agencies, architects and consultants, whose experience bring efficient, innovative and environmentally-conscious design and construction strategies to City projects. For more information, please visit nyc.gov/ddc.
About the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs
The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City’s vibrant cultural life. DCLA works to promote and advocate for quality arts programming and to articulate the contribution made by the cultural community to the City’s vitality. The Department represents and serves nonprofit cultural organizations involved in the visual, literary, and performing arts; public-oriented science and humanities institutions including zoos, botanical gardens, and historic and preservation societies; and creative artists at all skill levels who live and work within the City’s five boroughs. DCLA also provides donated materials for arts programs offered by the public schools and cultural and social service groups, and commissions permanent works of public art at City-funded construction projects throughout the five boroughs.