Sen. Carlucci Requests Update on Rockland County Field Hospital from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

(Albany, NY) Today, Senator David Carlucci (D- Rockland/Westchester) sent a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to ask for a status update on the Field Hospital expected in Rockland County.

Senator David Carlucci, said, “We thank the Army Corps of Engineers for their hard work to protect New York lives and serve our country. We desperately need their help in Rockland to start construction on this field hospital, because if it’s not up and running prior to the Apex, I am concerned many more lives could be lost.”

Senator Carlucci said there is an immediate need in Rockland County or it could become the next “epicenter”.

The County's death toll reached 42 people on Thursday, more than doubling from Monday when it stood at 18. As of April 3rd, there have been 4,289 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county, that is up 2,595 cases in a week.

“With these kinds of increases, our hospitals will rapidly reach capacity,” Carlucci wrote in the letter.

The Senator explained the problem is now two-fold as nurses, doctors, and medical personnel at Rockland’s hospitals are experiencing shortages in Personal Protective Equipment as the State gets closer to the apex of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We want to make sure we are doing everything we can to save lives in Rockland, and that we are not standing by idle for the perfect storm," said Carlucci. "I've already written the Governor about our hospitals and the need for PPE, and I know he's working very hard to get our State what we need in this crisis. This field hospital is the second critical part that will lift a significant burden off our hospitals and ensure our patients receive the care they need." 

Carlucci said he has spoken to Rockland Community College, and their President is standing ready to offer the college's Field House as a field hospital location for the Army Corps of Engineers.