Senator Carlucci Passes Paid Sick Leave For Workers in Wake of Coronavirus

Senator David Carlucci

March 18, 2020

(Albany, NY) – Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester) co-sponsored and helped pass legislation (S.8091) through the New York State Senate today to ensure all workers have access to paid sick leave in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The legislation allows workers to receive paid sick leave and guaranteed job security if they have to undergo a mandatory or precautionary quarantine or isolation due to the coronavirus.

Senator David Carlucci said, "The Coronavirus COVID-19 is an unprecedented pandemic that has taken lives and left people sick. It’s imperative New York protect workers because no one should be forced to work sick to make ends meet. Paid sick leave is what every worker deserves and will help reduce the spread of the virus."

Under the legislation, businesses with 100 or more employees will be required to provide 14 days of paid sick leave, businesses of 11-99 employees will be required to provide 5 days of paid sick leave, businesses with 10 or fewer employees will be required to provide 5 days of job-protected unpaid sick leave, and small businesses already providing paid sick leave will have to continue to do so.

The legislation will support New York's small and medium size businesses, as it requires State insurance programs to cover a significant amount of the cost.

For businesses with 10 or fewer people who made under $1 million in net income, the State will cover the full cost of employee’s leave provided it's equal to or less than annual salaries of $150,000.

For businesses with 11-99 employees with a net income greater than $1 million, the company will only have to pay 5 days of paid leave, and the rest will be covered by New York State insurance programs provided it's equal to or less than annual salaries of $150,000.

The Senate bill also waives the 7-day waiting period before New Yorkers can apply for unemployment insurance.

This legislation will take effect immediately once signed into law.

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