Statement from Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C,I-Glenville)

Senator Jim Tedisco

June 1, 2020


“Those who would perpetrate acts of racism, anti-Semitism, discrimination, and prejudice like the deadly action taken against Mr. George Floyd represent the center of evil!” 

“In every way, always and at any time wherever it appears, we all must stand up and speak out strongly in peaceful opposition.” 

“It’s important that we don’t allow or condone those who are rioting and looting to moot the important message of those who are exercising their First Amendment rights and engaged in peaceful protest for justice and equality.” 

“Let’s remember that the person who had the most profound impact and made a real difference in the fight against racial discrimination was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who did so through his message of and actions through nonviolent protest!”  

“Those who loot, use violence, riot and attack our communities, their fellow citizens, the businesses that are already struggling in this pandemic, and the majority of law enforcement who are good and decent and caring community heroes who keep us safe, betray Dr. King’s message and the need for greater tolerance, equality and justice for all through peaceful protest.”  

“America and New York are better than this!”  

“Here’s remarks as it relates to standing up to this type of evil that I made on the Senate Floor a few months ago, regarding the Holocaust and all incidences of racism, discrimination, anti-Semitism and bigotry that are just as relevant today.”