Tedisco: “The Cover-Up is Always Worse…”

Senator Jim Tedisco

September 21, 2020

Statement from Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C,I-Glenville)

“The cover-up is always worse than what is covered up.”

“There is widespread agreement that the Cuomo Administration is not being forthcoming on the real number of New Yorkers who died in state-regulated nursing homes from COVID-19.  That’s why I have joined with Majority Democratic Assemblyman Ron Kim and members from both sides of the aisle to author legislation (S.8756/A.10857) for an independent, bi-partisan state commission with subpoena power to fully investigate these nursing home deaths. And it’s why this week, we launched a new statewide online petition drive to urge the Legislative Majorities to get the real numbers.”

“I commend and fully support the Empire Center’s lawsuit that was filed today against the Cuomo Administration to seek the release of this information. The thousands of families who lost their loved ones deserve a measure of closure and we need to help prepare for a second wave of the virus or a future pandemic.”