Statement From Senate Republican Conference Leader Flanagan
March 23, 2020

Many New Yorkers are staying home and making major sacrifices for the health and well-being of others, particularly those most vulnerable to the worst outcomes of the coronavirus. But we should be killing the virus, not the economy.
Democrats intend to include policy in their budget, including a ban on polystyrene packaging material used by restaurants already under tremendous strain because of the coronavirus crisis. Democrats might forget it is the restaurants that are trying to keep their kitchens open, and are feeding New Yorkers by delivering meals. They don’t need any additional rules heaped on them.
Not only is a new regulation on restaurants tone deaf, but polystyrene, a recyclable material, is manufactured in New York State, and this ban will result in the loss of 2,000 good paying jobs when we should be saving every job possible.
The Senate Republican Conference raised similar issues over the green and unclean plastic bag ban adopted under One-Party Rule, and enforcement has now been pushed until May. To help the health and well-being of our front line supermarket workers, it should be suspended for the duration of the crisis.
The Senate Republican Conference urges Democrats to drop their job-killing proposals and regulations, as well as all unnecessary burdens on restaurants and businesses at a time when the Department of Labor’s website is crashing. Let’s work to protect public health and keep as many people in their full-time jobs as possible.