Addabbo announces passage of legislation to help veterans returning from active military service
NYS Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. joined his Senate colleagues in passing legislation to support, treat and recognize our veterans, many of whom struggle with their return to civilian life.
“Last November I announced my intention to focus on veterans’ suicide during the 2020 legislative session. Although the session didn’t go as anyone expected, I’m pleased we are taking action to help veterans manage mental health issues, earn college credits for applicable training, and raise awareness about veteran suicide.
A bill sponsored by Addabbo (S.2741A) allows service members to earn college credits based on experience and training from their military transcript which is recognized and accredited by the American Council on Education.
Legislation (S.2248A) co-sponsored by Addabbo, creates a veterans’ mental health and suicide prevention task force to address concerns with the health, safety, and welfare of all returning veterans and the high rate of mental health problems and suicides.
A new bill (S.6712) co-sponsored by Addabbo and passed by the Senate designates September 22nd as “Veteran Suicide Awareness and Remembrance Day.” Veterans Affairs has reported on average 22 veterans commit suicide each day. The rate of suicide among veterans was 1.4 times higher among male veterans and 1.8 times higher among female veterans when compared to the general adult population. This day will honor the fallen and their families by raising awareness that many wounds of war are invisible and persist long after military service ends.
“Our military men and women are heroes,” said Addabbo, a long-time member of the Veterans Committee. “It is imperative we recognize the lasting consequences often associated with active military service and ensure they are provided appropriate resources to successfully return to civilian life. These measures will help our veterans overcome invisible scars and successfully return to the labor market when their tours of duty are completed.”