Addabbo calls for unity over blended learning issues at schools
Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr.
October 6, 2020
“Now that many schools are starting to reopen for the in-class portion of their blending learning models, it is our duty to ensure that our students and their families, as well as the school teachers, administration and faculty remain safe,” said State Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr., a member of the Senate Education Committee. “While safety must be our utmost concern, it is imperative that students receive the education that they deserve during this pandemic. As a parent of two children in the school system, I share the concerns and interests of many parents and guardians. Timely and efficient communication between schools, parents and students is key right now when so many things remain uncertain. Together, elected officials, the NYC Department of Education, parents, teachers and all entities involved in education must make concerted, cooperative efforts to be on the same page and provide a quality, safe education to our students.”