New York State Senate Majority Long Island Delegation Denounce Actions at Rally Outside Hamburg Town Hall

Senator Kevin Thomas

September 28, 2020

(LONG ISLAND, NY):  The six majority Democratic New York State Senators who represent the residents of Nassau and Suffolk Counties are outraged by the disturbing actions taken by individuals who were protesting at Hamburg Town Hall in Buffalo, New York this past weekend. 

What occurred at Saturday’s rally outside Hamburg Town Hall was unacceptable and has no place in New York's political discourse. To use violent imagery as a way to threaten our Governor while he works to protect all New York families is inexcusable, shameful, and should be condemned by all.

We New Yorkers are known for being vocal and outspoken about our views, and we all have the right to our own personal beliefs, but to use acts of violence or hatred to express them is wrong and unwarranted. This type of  hatred and violence is not a true representation of who New Yorkers are, especially when demonstrating patriotism; we are better than that. 

Governor Cuomo has demonstrated steadfast leadership throughout a global health crisis, stood up for the rights of working class families across our state, and fought hard for all New Yorkers. Disagreements and public debate will always exist but this type of vile symbolism crosses many lines and is in no way productive for the advancement of New York.  This type of behavior should be denounced immediately.

Senator Anna Kaplan
Senator John Brooks
Senator Jim Gaughran
Senator Todd Kaminsky 
Senator Monica R. Martinez  
Senator Kevin Thomas