Senator Helming Appointed Ranking Member of Housing and Insurance Committees

Senator Pam Helming has been appointed the Ranking Member of two prominent State Senate legislative committees: Housing, Construction and Community Development; and Insurance.

“It is an honor to be entrusted by Leader Ortt with these leadership positions,” said Senator Helming. “The Housing Committee oversees important issues such as affordable housing for seniors, homeownership programs, and the revitalization of our communities, including our shoreline communities along Lake Ontario. The Insurance Committee oversees legislation and regulations for the insurance, banking and financial services industries, which manage trillions of dollars in assets, provide important services to consumers, and contribute significantly to our local and statewide economies.”

“Senator Helming’s vast knowledge and experience in these two areas made her the ideal choice to serve in a leadership capacity on both the Housing, Construction and Community Development and the Insurance Committees,” said Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt. “The Senate Republican Conference will be very well represented on these committees, with Senator Helming in the ranking position. I am confident that she will fully convey the thoughts and concerns of our conference and New York’s residents on the issues that come to the table.”

In addition to matters of housing and community renewal, the Senate Committee on Housing, Construction and Community Development also reviews legislation regarding housing, building and fire safety code enforcement.

The Senate Committee on Insurance reviews legislative matters pertaining to insurance companies and banking and other financial institutions. These include banks and credit unions, and providers of mortgage, property/casualty, health, life and other major insurances.

Senator Helming will be appointed to serve as a Member of additional Senate committees when the 2021 legislative session begins in January.