Senator Gallivan Calls for Expansion of Broadband Access in NYS

Jim Ranney

November 18, 2020

Senator Patrick M. Gallivan (R-C-I, Elma) is calling on Governor Cuomo to provide funding necessary to expand broadband service throughout New York State, especially in rural communities where access remains a serious problem.  Senator Gallivan says the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic makes broadband access more essential than ever.

"As New Yorkers continue to work remotely and students are forced to learn virtually, access to quality broadband services is critical," Senator Gallivan said.  "While the state has invested in the expansion of broadband, it has not done enough and too many rural communities remain cutoff from these essential services.  Broadband access is not a luxury, it is a necessity."

In a recent letter to Governor Cuomo, Senator Gallivan said it is vital that all un-served rural communities be afforded such access and he urged the governor to renew efforts to do so without delay.

The expansion of services was partly achieved through the establishment of the New’ NY Broadband Initiative, codified pursuant to the Fiscal Year 2016 enacted state budget, which provided $500 million in capital funds sourced from New York State’s monetary settlement with banks and insurers to bring high-speed internet to un-served and underserved regions of the State.

Unfortunately, the expansion of broadband access made possible by funding from the New NY Broadband Initiative as well as conditions of approved telecommunication mergers and federal funding made available through the Federal Communications Commission in recent years has not reached all of New York’s communities.