An Important Message from Senator Ritchie to St. Lawrence Co. Residents

Patty Ritchie

April 7, 2020

Dear St. Lawrence County Residents,

I am writing with a critical message I was asked to share. Earlier today, the St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department issued a Travel Restriction Advisory for the County. Through this advisory, residents are asked to refrain from all non-essential travel until further notice.

The advisory notes that we are in a very critical juncture in the fight against COVID-19, with all the models suggesting that if we do not practice social distancing and limit non-essential travel and gatherings, the consequences could be dire.

To read the advisory in full, click here. Please note, the Sheriff stresses that you should only travel if you are buying food, are traveling to or from a deemed essential occupation, or seeking medical attention.

Currently, rates of COVID-19 cases are doubling every two-and-a-half days in St. Lawrence County. Additionally, according to Dr. Andrew Williams, Head of the St. Lawrence County Board of Health, St. Lawrence County has the most rapid growth rate of Coronavirus in the State. You can read Dr. Williams’ comments on the spread of the virus—and his advice for how to protect yourself—by clicking here.

I cannot stress how critical it is for you to abide by this advisory, stay home and stop the spread. I know if we all do our part, we will get through this.



PS For more tips on how you can stay healthy, and to access resources related to the Coronavirus pandemic, I encourage you to click here.