Harckham Introduces Legislation to Provide Aid, Resources During Coronavirus Crisis

Albany, NY – New York State Senator Pete Harckham introduced legislation on March 11 in the Senate that address some of the financial concerns related to the growing coronavirus crisis and its impact statewide. All four bills are in response to potential disruption and economic loss caused by the health emergency, as more schools, businesses, offices and other public spaces are being temporarily closed.

“As the coronavirus outbreak intensifies in some areas of New York, we have to anticipate some of the economic consequences that will occur and try to offer appropriate assistance to those who will need it most,” said Harckham. “This package of legislation will serve as both a safety net and precautionary resources to have in place as we face this crisis. As such, I appreciate the support my Senate colleagues have shown for the legislation. I think we all realize that now is the time for proactive measures.”

Among the bills Harckham sponsored are:

·         S. 2520A – An amendment to prior legislation that will provide interest-free loans to small businesses affected by any community-wide shutdowns from the coronavirus.

·         S. 8014 – A bill that ensures school tuition is paid to special act schools which receive state aid.

·         S. 6425A – A bill that raises the cap on how much retired police officers can make during states of emergency.

·         TBD – A bill similar to S.6425A, only this will allow retired state health care workers to earn over the earnings cap during a declared state of emergency.


Across New York, health and government officials remain at high alert while working to stop the spread of the coronavirus. 

“While New York State Department of Health works to contain the virus, it is important that we look ahead, galvanize our resources and see who will need assistance,” said Harckham, who is hoping to expedite passage of the legislative package in the State Senate.