Align with Federal Guidance

Robert G. Ortt

April 21, 2020

Today, State Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I,Ref-North Tonawanda) is calling on Gov. Cuomo to reexamine what businesses should be deemed essential during the current Coronavirus pandemic. Last month, the federal government issued its guidelines for what it deemed as an essential business, which includes businesses that the state of New York has not deemed as essential. Businesses such as gun stores, outdoorsman activities, and landscaping services should be considered.    

“While it’s premature and unwise to open all businesses to pre-coronavirus levels and functioning, it’s foolish for the state to operate beyond critical guidelines deemed essential by the federal government,” said Sen. Ortt. “This is a straight-forward step that balances public health and economic concerns as we effectively plan for reopening our state’s devastated economy. It is irresponsible to be dismissive of the public health threat this virus poses as well as the economic threat that this virus has created.”

By reviewing the businesses that have been deemed essential by federal guidelines and aligning it with what has been implemented in New York, the state will be able to allow businesses to begin operation again carefully.

“We want businesses that are able to operate to do so while still observing safe social distancing practices. We must begin to discuss a regional approach and take into account the differentiation in potential infection rates between Western New York and New York City’s unique situation. By implementing federal guidelines and adapting New York’s guidelines, we will be able to safely allow some Western New York residents to return to work.”

This approach will also allow local government officials to coordinate with state and federal officials to adopt policies that work for each localities’ unique situation.  
