Statement by Senator Brad Hoylman on the Report of Investigation into Allegations of Sexual Harassment by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

“New Yorkers should be extremely grateful to the eleven courageous survivors who came forward to share their traumatic stories during the Attorney General’s investigation. We owe them a deep debt of gratitude for bringing these facts to light, although it’s clear that we as a state government have failed to protect them from workplace harassment. The State Legislature must redouble our efforts to correct this ongoing and severe problem.

I sincerely thank Attorney General Tish James for her thorough, professional and unbiased report. The Attorney General’s integrity throughout this process cannot be questioned.

I’ve listened to Governor Cuomo’s pre-produced response that seemed to mock these serious and disturbing charges and shamefully called into question the truthfulness of the survivors. I reiterate my earlier call that Governor Cuomo resign. If not, I trust the State Assembly will take the appropriate steps to begin his removal from office.”