Stec co-sponsors legislation to end Governor's emergency powers

State Senator Dan Stec today said he is co-sponsoring legislation that would revoke Governor Andrew Cuomo’s emergency powers.  

Senator Alessandra Biaggi, the chairperson of the Senate Ethics and Internal Governance Committee, introduced the legislation (S4888) last week.

Stec has twice proposed an amendment to end the governor’s emergency powers, but the motion was defeated on the Senate floor along party lines.

"In the wake of Attorney General Letitia James’ report uncovering the Department of Health’s undercounting of nursing home COVID-19 deaths, a successful lawsuit forcing this administration to disclose the data and now a federal criminal investigation of the matter, legislative support for reasserting our role as a coequal branch is building,” said Stec.

“This has been an orchestrated cover-up to protect the governor, including a secret phone call with top Cuomo officials and key senators and assembly members to try to manage this crisis,” said Stec.  “The Legislature has a role as a coequal branch of government.  We can and should hold the executive accountable.  There’s no reason why the governor’s unbridled power should continue.”

Stec said the governor’s emergency powers do not expire until April 30 unless the Legislature takes action.


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