Stec renews call to end governor's emergency powers

In light of yesterday’s revelation that Governor Andrew Cuomo allegedly threatened to end the career of a downstate Democratic assemblyman, Senator Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury) is renewing his call that the governor’s emergency powers be stripped when lawmakers return to session in Albany next week.

“The governor is in damage control mode, protecting his own interests and not serving the public’s,” said Stec.  “We’ve seen the attorney general report on the nursing home death count cover-up.  That was followed by a successful freedom of information lawsuit forcing the Department of Health to reveal data that they hid for months.  Now comes the announcement of an FBI investigation into the governor’s handling of nursing home deaths.  Clearly, something is very wrong and the governor’s reaction by going on the offensive to attack a fellow Democratic member of the Legislature is very telling.

“There’s a lot that can and should happen.  The State Legislature needs to take action when we return to session on Monday.  First, end the governor’s emergency powers.  Twice on the Senate floor, I have proposed an amendment to do that, imploring my colleagues to rescind the governor’s extraordinary authority.  Second, issue subpoenas.  There is ample evidence this administration cannot be trusted to provide honest information.  It’s time for the governor’s Emmy-award winning show to stop and for the real questions and answers to begin.”

Stec said up to 14 members of the State Senate have signaled they are ready to vote to end the governor’s emergency powers.  Combined with 20 Republican votes, that is more than enough support needed to pass the legislation.  Stec added that Senators James Skoufis and Rachel May, who chair the Senate’s Investigations and Aging Committees, respectively, have been formally asked to issue subpoenas to compel testimony under oath from Cuomo officials.  

“The governor is deceiving the public and he is trying to strong-arm the Legislature.  Neither is acceptable.  It is reprehensible.  The Legislature is a co-equal branch of government.  Now that a Democratic lawmaker has been personally targeted by the governor, I am hoping that legislative leadership will finally do something.  By doing nothing, they will be complicit in enabling the governor to do whatever he wants.” 
