Statement from New York State Senator Daphne Jordan (R,C,I-Halfmoon) on Governor Cuomo’s decision to allow inmates to be vaccinated while vulnerable New Yorkers still wait for COVID-19 vaccine

“The Cuomo administration’s foolish decision to allow inmates to be vaccinated against COVID-19 while vulnerable New Yorkers must wait their turn, whenever that will be, for the life-saving vaccine is outrageous, shameful, and nonsensical. The state’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout has been bungled, botched, and micromanaged from the very beginning. Prioritizing prisoners – putting lawbreakers ahead of law-abiding, vulnerable New Yorkers – is the latest example of Albany’s 'Bizzaro World' misplaced priorities. Criminals being placed ahead of law-abiding citizens, including immunocompromised individuals, for the COVID-19 vaccine is simply inexcusable.”
