State Senate Passes Senator Sanders' Bills on Veteran Suicide and Elder Abuse

James Sanders Jr.

May 27, 2021

Senator James Sanders Jr. today saw two important pieces of his legislation unanimously pass the senate. The first bill (S5196B) requires the Office for the Aging to develop and provide elder abuse prevention training to train senior service centers and contractors in the detection and reporting of elder abuse in consultation with the Office of Children and Family Services. The second bill (S4093) establishes September twenty-second of each year as a day of commemoration known as Veteran Suicide Awareness and Remembrance Day.

State Senator James Sanders Jr. said: “Our elders have given us so much. It is our duty to protect them because they are such a vulnerable population, which unfortunately makes them the victims of abuse and scams."

He added, "As a Marine Corps Veteran, I am especially proud to be raising awareness about the all too prevalent issue of veteran suicide, in the hopes that we can encourage more service members to get the help and resources they need to prevent loss of life and to remember those that unfortunately were not saved."