Statement from Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C-Glenville) on Andrew Cuomo’s Resignation as Governor of New York

Senator Jim Tedisco

August 10, 2021

“As the Governor looked at the specter of being impeached and removed from office for sexually harassing 11 women and for a host of other major scandals, Andrew Cuomo’s final message in his role as Governor can be summed up in three words: ‘deny, deny, and goodbye!”

“Last week, the Attorney General said Governor Cuomo violated state and federal laws. This resignation does not absolve him of the multitude of local, state and federal investigations of those crimes, which includes his harassment of women, the cover-up of the deaths of 15,000 of our most vulnerable citizens from COVID-19 in nursing homes, using his staff and state resources to get a $5.1 million book deal to burnish his image as the COVID slayer when he was really the COVID purveyor, giving his family and friends unfair access to COVID testing, and corruption related to the construction of the new Tappan Zee Bridge.” 

“We remember that I had to sue the Governor along with the Empire Center to get him to release the real number of nursing home residents who died from COVID-19. The Judge in that case ruled that taxpayers had to pay the Empire Center’s legal fees because Cuomo was indemnified.” 

“That’s why the impeachment process must move forward so the Senate can issue a penalty for the Governor’s criminal actions so he can’t run or hold office again and so we can take steps necessary to take his taxpayer-funded pension away.”

“While Andrew Cuomo’s reign of terror will soon be over, the legislature has a responsibility to seek justice for his many victims and ensure this villain does not go walking off into the sunset scot-free.”